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Shliabh Rua

Scoil bhlian 2025/26

The waiting list for Shliabh Rua is now full. We will not be accepting any more names onto it for the 2025/26 school year.

We have a full-time waiting list (5 afternoons) and a part-time waiting list(2 or 3 afternoons). Once offered, a full-time place cannot be reduced nor a part-time place increased. If a parent wishes to change their child's attendance, they must go on the other waiting list and wait for a place to become available. Part-time places are offered opposite each other so parents may express preferred days but Explorers may not be able to accomodate these days.

Explorers Afterschool GSR will reopen in line with the school calendar.

We will be operating within the Government's guidelines and in tandem with school requirements. 

​Beidh Cúram Iarscoile Explorers GSR ar oscailt ar na laethanta céanna is an scoil.

​Béimíd ag oparáid laistigh de na threoirlínte agus ag comhoíbriú leis na scoileanna. 

Afterschool Activities run by the school


We are not in a position to collect children from afterschool activities run by the school. The afterschool teachers usually facilitate bringing the children to our room. This needs to be arranged and agreed between parents and activity teachers.


Explorers’ must be notified by parents/guardians of their child’s activity dates, days, and time we will expect the children to return to our room.

Cúram iarscoile i nGaelscoil Shliabh Rua

There is currently no availability in Explorers' Shliabh Rua. If you would like to go on the waiting list, please email with your child's name, class and number of days you would like them to attend.

Táimíd an sásta cur in iúl díobh go bhfuilimíd ag rith cúram iarscoile trí mheán na gaeilge i nGaelscoil Shliabh Rua. 

Ghlaoigh ar Míde ar 087 6367916 nó seolríomhpost chuig


For all enquiries, please phone Míde on 087 6367916 or email



Táillí don scoilbhlian 2024/25 ar fáil ar an leathanach taillí  

Fees for 2024/25 school year can be found on the fees page.

Notice must be given before 1st May each year if your child is not returning in the new school year. Failure to give notice by 1st May will result in the loss of your deposit.

For all enquiries, please phone Míde on 087 6367916 or email

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